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Erika Ivonne López Martínez

Ingenieria y Química de Materiales • TECNICO TITULAR C
+52 (614) 439 4878 erika.lopez@cimav.edu.mx Chihuahua, Chih.


Áreas de Interés

Últimas publicaciones

  • Effect of the compounding method on the development of high-performance binary and ternary blends based on PPE

    Erika Ivonne López-Martínez, E. Armando Zaragoza-Contreras, Alejandro Vega-Rios, Sergio Gabriel Flores-Gallardo
    POLYMERS, Vol.14. No.22. pp10264 (2024)
  • Innovative Poly(lactic Acid) Blends: Exploring the Impact of the Diverse Chemical Architectures from Itaconic Acid

    Miriam Carrasco-Fernández, Erika Ivonne López-Martínez, Sergio Gabriel Flores-Gallardo, Iván Alziri Estrada-Moreno, Mónica Elvira Mendoza-Duarte, Alejandro Vega-Rios
    POLYMERS, Vol.16. No.19. pp2780-2800 (2024)
  • Effect of the Addition of Different Natural Waxes on the Mechanical and Rheological Behavior of PLA—A Comparative Study

    Mónica Elvira Mendoza-Duarte, Iván Alziri Estrada-Moreno, Erika Ivonne López-Martínez and Alejandro Vega-Rios.
    POLYMERS, Vol.15. No.2. pp305-319 (2023)
  • Curing of cellulose hydrogels by UV radiation for mechanical reinforcement

    Rodybeth Cruz-Medina, Daniel A. Ayala-Hernández, Alejandro Vega-Rios, Erika I. López-Martínez, Mónica E. Mendoza-Duarte, Anayansi Estrada-Monje, and E. Armando Zaragoza-Contreras
    POLYMERS, Vol.13. No.. pp2342 (2021)
  • Microstructural and optical properties of ZnO coatings from colloidal inks

    J. E. Morales-Mendoza, G. Herrera-Pérez, E.I. López-Martinez, D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez, F. Paraguay-Delgado
    JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, Vol.23. No.34. pp1-14 (2021)
  • Microstructural and optical properties of ZnO coatings from colloidal inks

    J.E Morales-Mendoza, G. Herrera-Pérez, E.I. López-Martinez, D. Lardizabal-Gutierrez y F. Paraguay-Delgado
    Journal of Nanoparticle Research , Vol.23. No.34. pp (2021)